Installations – Exterior
Exterior examples of Sungineer Solar’s installations.
30 kw ground mount - a beautiful FLX day!
10 kw roof mount - view 1
10 kw roof mount - sunset view 2
2 module, off-grid tiny house
10 kw (winter!) roof mount
3.6 kw off-grid ground mount
system addition - 7 new modules
~30 kw rooftop commercial project
~36 kw rooftop commercial project
Installations – Interior
Examples of typical hardware installed inside the home (garage, utility room, basement) with a Sungineer Solar PV system.
"balance of system" (indoor) components
system components for sunpower AC modules
indoor components of an off-grid system
Photos from memorable service (troubleshooting, repair, maintenance) calls.
mice AND wasps co-habitating inside an inverter
can you spot the wasp nest?
squirrels love to chew wires
squirrel guards encourage the critters to go elsewhere!
broken module (center, bottom row)
Other interesting projects, activities, and techniques.
commissioning a 7 MW system
infrared camera ID's a string of nonfunctional modules
pull testing a post that was driven into the ground